Master site plan for their property showing a two-phase expansion. The existing building is outlined in red.
Main floor plan. Blue outlines the proposed addition, red outlines the existing building.
Lower floor plan. Blue outlines the proposed addition, red outlines the existing building.
The placement of the addition completely changes the look of the church.
The new main entrance and the café’ overlook a new plaza.
A new mall connects the new entrance and café with the existing building at rear.
Small windows allow parents to see into the new nursery.
Faith Assembly of Lacey
The original church for Faith Assembly of Lacey was a 6,400 square-foot building with a 180-person sanctuary, located on 3.6 acres. In 1990 a new 9,000 square-foot sanctuary and classroom wing were added, increasing sanctuary seating capacity to about 350. With an eye toward continued growth, a master plan was commissioned in order to guide future building expansion. The resulting plan shows how to accomplish the maximum site development in two additional phases, utilizing other church-owned property for required parking.
The immediate need was for additional nursery, classroom, foyer, and youth space, to be added onto the existing building with minimal modification, and designed so as to accommodate the future sanctuary and foyer.